Audacity Tutorials

Audacity is a very comprehensive free audio processing program. Those of us who have been using it to produce AIRS-LA’s wide array of podcast programs are continually finding new and useful features. Do not be intimidated! To begin using it, you only need to master a few of the basics.

To start you off learning the program, we have included two sets of resources on this page.

Audacity Tutorials- at the Audacity Website

First, is a link to the vast resources available at the Audacity web site which include tutorials and an online manual. Together, these materials  cover all the features of the newest version of the program. You will always find the most up-to-date information about the program here.

Click this link

Audacity Video Tutorials

Second, is a link to a set of  video tutorials which will orient you to the Audacity program and  lead  you through the basic functions.  You may also explore YouTube and the web for other valuable related resources and videos. (Please note, AIRSLA has  no relationship to the site that posted these videos.)

Click this link